Program Directors Handbook

If you are new to the APPD or to the role of Program Director - or just need a refresher - the Program Directors Handbook is a valuable Resource.

Program Directors' Executive Committee

Alan Chin, MD

Chair (2024 - 2025)
Program Director
UCLA Pediatric Residency
757 Westwood Plaza Room 3108
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Daniel Sklansky, MD

Chair-Elect (2024 - 2025)
Program Director
University of Wisconsin
600 Highland Ave, H4/418
Madison, WI 53792-4108

Margaret (Meg) McNamara, MD

Past Chair (2024 - 2025)
Program Director
University of California (San Francisco)
550 16th Street UCSF Mission Hall, 4th floor, Box 0110
San Francisco, CA 94143

Caren Gellin, MD

(2023 - 2026)
Program Director
University of Rochester Golisano Children's
601 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14642

Program Director
University of Chicago
5721 S. Maryland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Program Director
Stanford University
725 Welch Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Grassroots Forum for Program Directors

The Grassroots Forum for Program Directors is a combination town hall meeting and an opportunity for job-related or regulatory presentations, with emphasis on the meeting aspects. It takes place each year at the APPD Annual Spring Meeting.

Program Directors may self-nominate to be a facilitator for a 3-year term. Current facilitators review and put forward one name to be approved by the APPD Board and replace a previous facilitator.

Current facilitators of the Grassroots Forum for Program Directors are:

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