This matrix references a variety of resources according to the educational strategy used (workshops, simulations, didactic session) and location (MedEdPortal, Share Warehouse, standalone websites, and more). The Y axis of the matrix is the 7 domains and subdomains of the EPA.

The X Axis contains various educational strategies.

The C-FAR-GO-FAR matrix allows the user to identify a certain element of the EPA addressing racism and inequities and corresponding educational strategies that are used in existing curricula. C-FAR-GO-FAR lives at the link below as a 2 worksheet excel document. Worksheet one is the complete matrix.

The view-only excel document link is below. The 2nd worksheet with references can be sorted by domain. For example, if looking for references about domain 1 (Recognizing one’s professional responsibility to populations, communities, and society at large) just sort or filter that column. Also, if searching for a keyword in a title just use “CTRL-F” and search for a term. For example, if looking for titles about resources about microaggressions try searching for that term.

You can click on the link to identify where the resource can be found, such as, share warehouse or another website.
Each resource has been reviewed by 2 reviewers from 3 of our learning communities (Curriculum LC, Under-represented in Medicine LC, Advocacy LC).