Congratulations on Joining the Association of Pediatric Program Directors
We are a network of more than 4,000 colleagues at over 200 different institutions, all of whom are facing the same issues as you are. Since 1985, we have been dedicated to our vision of "Exemplary pediatric education across the continuum."
Our website is a wealth of information on all of the resources and opportunities for new members. We also highly suggest attending one of the national APPD meetings, either in the spring or fall, so that you may enjoy direct networking and programming.
We respect your time and try to limit mailings, while keeping you informed through multiple methods. We send out monthly email summaries (APPD Bulletin) with news, deadlines and other important information. The website is also frequently updated with announcements and future events. Regional and sectional discussion forums, and other electronic communications augment in-person activities.
APPD is the best way to connect with other members. APPD Connect is a place to collaborate with peers, share advice, solve challenges and develop new approaches within medical education. There is a member directory, direct member messaging, and discussion forums. Visit APPD Connect at
In addition to program development, we are committed to your individual success. For many in academics, this includes demonstration of excellence in education and/or scholarly activities.
In 2012, APPD launched the APPD Leadership in Educational Academic Development (APPD LEAD) program, providing a unique opportunity for pediatric academic leaders in medical education to engage and learn from seasoned program directors, pediatric educators and other national leaders in pediatrics. The LEAD curriculum focuses on organizational leadership, competency-based curriculum development, faculty development, residency and fellowship program administration, scholarship and career development. The curriculum is paced over three educational conferences, with additional group activities, readings and project work expected between conferences.
The APPD has multiple opportunities to submit workshops and presentations. We also have programming to help with publication of your work and representation on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Academic Pediatric Association (APA).
Mentorship is available both informally in regional and national meeting networking and through a formal APPD mentorship program.
The APPD has workshops (now called "Enhanced Learning Sessions") during the national Spring Meeting. Calls for proposals are sent out and posted online early-fall. New or old members are encouraged to apply and collaboration on presentations is emphasized. See past meeting programs posted online for examples.
The Research and Scholarship Learning Community provides a good way to learn about educational scholarly activities. In addition, regional members often collaborate on projects. Many workshops dedicated to research design, implementation, measurement, and publication are included during the APPD Annual Spring Meeting. Scientific sessions at meetings highlight some of the excellent work done in a variety of educational arenas.
APPD's Longitudinal Educational Assessment Research Network (LEARN) provides infrastructure for multicenter, collaborative research projects by and for Pediatric residency programs. Through meaningful educational research, APPD LEARN advances the training of future Pediatricians by developing and promoting participation and collaboration in research by program directors for the purpose of improving the health and well-being of children. APPD LEARN activities include
- Management of an online repository of educational research study materials, raw data, and findings for dissemination to members
- Expert consultation for research conducted within APPD LEARN
- Information-sharing opportunities with APPD members and the larger medical education community
- Opportunities to enhance educational research participation and scholarship by Program Directors.
To learn more about becoming a member of APPD LEARN, email
This is a top priority for programs and a major focus of APPD resources. Initial accreditation, reaccreditation, and response to citations are detailed in APPD website guides, meeting programming, (ACGME representatives attend and present updates at both the Spring and Fall Meetings), and networking with peers. Competency tools and shared educational resources help programs understand and comply with RRC requirements.
The APPD has 8 regions divided up geographically. Find your region by visiting our Regions page.
As program administration has become more specialized and complex, the APPD recognizes this and has subgroups and meeting tracks. These distinctions are helpful for more effective program development and for individual career advice.
The APPD holds liaison positions and represents membership in all major pediatric organizations. The APPD Board of Directors, other leaders and members are involved in creation of policy, review of initiatives and advocacy for children through education. APPD meetings often include representatives from the ABP, AAP, ACGME, and other major involved organizations to foster interactions with our members.
The APPD relies strongly on grassroots ideas from our members. Many initiatives arise out of the regional organizations, learning communities and other committees. The APPD member-elected Board is always seeking input and hosts member conference calls to discuss timely topics. During national meetings we hold an open discussion forum to share ideas, review 'hot topics' and identify issues for additional action. National meetings also include representatives from other groups available for interactions and exchange of ideas.
There are APPD offices at the regional and national level, presenting numerous opportunities to get involved as a member, or even to formally run for an office. Most have 2-3 year terms and the organization welcomes interest from new members as well as old members. To learn more, visit our leadership page.
Our organization is fiscally sound and responsible. Most fees go directly to member activities and programming.
Leaders of residency and fellowship programs must have the time, tools, and support to succeed. With increasing demands, membership in the APPD can be invaluable for maintenance of accreditation, implementation of competency requirements and other resources. Through collaboration, the power of shared resources actually helps avoid 'reinventing the wheel' at each program. In addition, APPD provides an academic home for vital career development and mentorship. Annual dues are based on a group rate for multiple members at your institution to benefit and keep costs per member reasonable.
Special project grants are awarded annually (up to $10,000 in past years). Support for coordinators to attend meetings and other programs are available as well.
The APPD is dedicated to recognition of the tireless work over several years by coordinators, directors, and educators. See more details and specifics for past winners and types of awards.
The APPD was created by leaders from other pediatric organizations like the ABP, AAP and AMSPDC to focus on the unique issues in graduate medical education. The first meeting was held in 1985 and our membership has grown greatly and accomplished many things in the last 3 decades. Learn more about APPD History on our About page.
You may email for more information, membership questions, or other inquiries. Please visit our Contact page for additional information.