Pictured: APPD LEAD Council and Cohort
Front Row (l to r): E. Zwemer, H. Howell, R. Mink (Council), J. Hemond, E. Hanson, N. Charnsangavej, I. Walker-Descartes (Council), C. Shubkin, A. Baghdassarian; Second Row (l to r): C. Hrach, L. Nassetta, J. Yu, A. Solomon, J. Kitchen, M. Anderson (Council), B. Vinci (Council), H. Anwar, R. Sanders, B. Herman (Council); Third Row (l to r): M. Green, R. Swan (Council Chair), R. Shugerman (Council), R. Kapoor
Cohort Members and Organizations:
Hadi Anwar, MD
VCU Dept of Pedatricss
Aline Baghdassarian, MD, MPH, FAAP
Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU
Nalinda Charnsangavej, MD
UT Austin Dell Medical School Pediatrics
Michael Green, MD
UTSW/Childrens’ Health
Elizabeth Hanson, MD
UT Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, General Pediatricss
Joni Hemond, MD, FAAP
University of Utah
Heather Howell, MD
New York University, School of Medicine
Chrissy Hrach, MD
Washington University/St. Louis Children’s
Rupa Kapoor, MD
Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters
Jacqueline Kitchen, MD, MS
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Lauren Nassetta, MD
Univ of Alabama at Birmingham
Nicola Orlov, MD, MPH
University of Chicago Medicine
Rebecca Sanders, MD, PhD
Emory University School of Medicine – Pediatrics Residency Training Program
Catherine Shubkin, MD
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Aliza Solomon, DO
New York Presbyterian- Weill Cornell
Jennifer Yu, MD
UCSD – Department of Pediatrics
Eric Zwemer, MD
UNC Pediatrics