Cohort Members and Organizations:
Marsha Anderson, MD
University of Colorado Denver
Chad Brands, MD
All Children’s Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine
Susie Buchter, MD
Emory University
Michele Carney, MD
University of Michigan
Joseph Cernich, MD
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Stephanie Dewar, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Medical Education Program/
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Geoffrey Fleming, MD
Vanderbilt University
Bruce Herman, MD
University of Utah
Jay Homme, MD
College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic (Rochester)
Michelle Howenstine, MD
Indiana University School of Medicine
Laura Koenigs, MD
Baystate Medical Center/ Tufts University School of Medicine
Jerry Larrabee, MD
University of Vermont
Keith Mather, MD
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine-Tulsa
Allison McBride, MD
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Angela Myers, MD
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Paul Schwartzberg, DO
Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Dawn Tuell, MD
East Tennessee State University
Renuka Verma, MD
Monmouth Medical Center