Stacy Laurent, DO
Chair (2024-2026) University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago
Adam Patterson, MD
Vice Chair (2024-2026) University of Louisville
The Curriculum Learning Community recognizes we are in an incredibly innovative and evolutionary period of graduate medical education and is in line with the APPD’s vision for change and growth.
For the next year we plan to focus on several specific goals with three overarching themes:
- Engaging our membership as much as possible
- Building of a needs assessment
- Collaboration
Currently, the needs assessment is being conducted as part of a broader survey in collaboration with the AAP. Using that needs assessment, we may adjust and/or add to these goals as needed, but for now we are excited to:
- Create a curricular consult process that can serve our membership.
- Any APPD member may request a consult on the development of curricula at his/her site.
- A junior member of the Learning Community will be paired with a senior member of the Learning Community to review the curriculum.
- Investigate the need and potential for developing a national Core Pediatric topics curriculum.
- Core Pediatric topics will be covered through development of educational sessions that incorporate contemporary educational theory and tools.
- The educational sessions could be used by faculty to lead teaching sessions or by residents synchronously and asynchronously.